My questions for my Interview

What part of the day do you find God the best?
Do you find your self thinking of God often?
How big is God in your life? Do you enjoy praying?
Is Praying a action you feel obligated to do?
Do you feel full of God after church?
When do you feel the furthest from God?
Do you feel like you need God the most?
Whats your strongest struggle with God?
Does reading the bible conect you with God?
What makes you angery with God?
When does God help you the most?
Do you consider your full of the holy spirt?
When you serve God do you feel good?
What every day activity makes your day better? (not meaning it has to do with god)
Do you feel ashamed to believe in what you believe in? ( do you have trouble telling people what you believe in with out sugar coating it or changing it so they will like it, Just straight out.)
How much do you ask God to help you with temptations?
If you could ask God one thing, what would you ask him for?
Has your journey with God been easy or hard?
What experience has effected your life the most?
What do you see in God?
Where do you think God came from?
Do you see your self effecting other peoples lifes?
Do you get down on your self when God ask's you to do something that you dont do?
Do you think any of these questions are relevant?
I think the problem i have with your questions is that they are very man-centered. He must increase and we must decrease. The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him. Your questions make self the cheif end of God- sad!
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